Baumgartner Super does not confine its audit specialisation only to Self-managed superannuation funds; it has nationally recognised expertise in the audit of, and consulting to, all types of superannuation entities including:
- Small APRA Funds (SAFs)
- Corporate superannuation funds
- Industry superannuation funds
- Pooled Superannuation trusts (PSTs)
- Managed investment schemes (MISs)
The services we offer to these entities include:
Audit of APRA-regulated superannuation entities
Baumgartner Super undertakes the audits of APRA-regulated superannuation entities such as large corporate and industry superannuation funds and employs Registered Company Auditors and staff who are specifically qualified to accept these complicated audits at surprisingly competitive rates.
Internal Reviews of RSE Licensees
Baumgartner Super is also engaged to undertake internal reviews, independent of their external auditor, of large superannuation funds to ensure that they are being managed and governed in accordance with the new SPS510 requirements applicable to RSE Licensees, effective from 1 July 2013. Our reviews not only ascertain compliance with the legislation but add significant value to superannuation trustees by helping them to improve their governance in this increasingly important and complex area.
Unit Pricing Review
Most large APRA-regulated superannuation funds are unitised and valued on a daily basis. The application and management of unit pricing is a highly specialised field within the superannuation industry requiring auditors to have appropriate expertise and in-depth experience. Baumgartner Super has this expertise and experience to undertake all types of unit pricing reviews.
Training trustees in sound governance helps to mitigate the risks facing trustees from failing to identify issues that may have the potential to adversely affect their fund or its performance. Baumgartner Super trains trustees to identify circumstances that may result in adverse financial exposure and assists them to fire-wall against future exposure by formulating Risk Management Strategies and Plans.